Restoring and reintegrating women survivors of sex-trafficking through comprehensive, Christ-centered care provided by Catholic religious sisters and a faith-filled community

The Rescue after the Rescue

Sex-trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar industry depriving hundreds of thousands of innocent lives of their freedom and God-given dignity.

Even after their rescue from trafficking, victims suffer from deep-seeded trauma that often convinces them to go back into trafficking out of a fear and insecurity that there is nothing better for them. Avodah seeks to break this cycle by providing restorative, long-term care and housing for women victims and their children.

By opening homes across the country and training religious sisters in trauma-informed care to equip them for serving survivors, Avodah is able to grow our mission of serving survivors and their children.

Avodah Homes & Program

Avodah homes serve adult women survivors of sex-trafficking who are pregnant or have an infant. We serve survivors from any location and welcome them to our homes in Denver and Boston.

Our program’s trauma-informed approach offers holistic care through therapy, education, physical health, and spiritual healing, with the goal being full restoration and reintegration.

Sister Model of Care

Avodah partners with five Catholic religious communities. The sisters are trained in trauma-informed care to equip them with the skills needed to serve survivors and their children. The sisters partnering with Avodah serve in both Avodah homes and with our partner organizations across the country.

To date the sisters partnering with Avodah have served over 100 survivors across the country.

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